Computer Science


CSC 121: Critical Thinking in Digital Age

Class Program
Credits 2
This course is a computer literacy course, which will include instruction in basic operating systems, vocabulary, consumer education, the Internet and microcomputer applications including word processing, database, spreadsheet, graphics, and presentation software. The course will also include discussions of ethical issues involved in microcomputer use and the effects of technology on society. This course will be regularly updated to reflect advancement in technology.

CSC 131: Introduction to Computing

Class Program
Credits 3
This course introduces the student to the field of information technology. The course provides an overview of the computer science and computer information systems majors and makes students aware of the attitude, skill, and capabilities necessary to succeed in an information technology field. Topics include data representation, data organization, interpreting algorithms, interacting with operating systems, and problem solving strategy.

MAT 132 or MAT 134, or an acceptable score on a mathematics placement test.