


THL 230: Introductory Theologies

Class Program
Credits 3
This course is an introduction to the discipline of theology, its method, sources, context, text, norms, and tasks. It attends to a variety of theological movements and projects as a way of introducing the novice student to the discipline. Foundational for advanced courses in theology. Offered as needed.

THL 231: Foundations of Christian Education

Class Program
Credits 3
This course introduces students to the methods and literature of Christian education programming with an emphasis on liturgical year, denominationally-based publishing, and the focus on biblical, doctrinal, and theological subjects.

THL 233: Theologies of Liberation

Class Program
Credits 3
This course is a study of the “underside theologies,” this course introduces the student to those approaches that critique the unquestioned dominance of Euro-American theologies. Feminist, Black American, Latin American, African, Asian, and other ethnic theologies are studied for their contributions to our understanding of God’s nature and activity. Offered as needed.

THL 237: History of Christianity

Class Program
Credits 3
This course surveys the history of the Christian Faith from apostolic times to the present. Particular attention is given to Latin and Greek Fathers, the Protestant Reformation and Contemporary religious thought. Spring alternative years.

THL 239: Dynamics Faith Development

Class Program
Credits 3
This course is a study of the stages through which faith develops from primal, through individuative-reflective, to universalizing, as proposed by James Fowler. Freudian psychosexual and Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development are employed to elucidate Fowler’s theory. Offered as needed

THL 330: Biblical Theologies

Class Program
Credits 3
This course is a study of the theological concepts present in biblical literature and the dogmatic and doctrinal concepts based upon them. Emphasis will be given to the competing theologies of biblical writers and their influence on contemporary doctrine.

THL 331: Homiletics

Class Program
Credits 3
This course is an instruction to the communicative theories and strategies of sermon composition and presentation. This course emphasis close reading of biblical texts, hermeneutical theory, and public proclamation strategies as a method for dynamic sermonic events.

THL 336: Systematic Theology

Class Program
Credits 3

This course is a study of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian Church, the historical and theological forces that influenced their formation, and their impact on communal identity. Offered as needed. 

THL 339: The Church and Human Rights

Class Program
Credits 3
This course is a study of the biblical basis for and the strategic role of the Church as a major influence on the struggle for human rights in the modern world, especially as seen in the anti-slavery movements, the Civil Rights movement, the anti-apartheid struggle, among others. Offered as needed.

THL 421: Field Practicum I

Class Program
Credits 1.5
This is a practical experience in which the student is placed with an active minister as a field mentor to work in a vocational environment typically in a local church. The student will design a specific project of study to engage in active ministry under the supervision of the local pastor and a faculty advisor in the Theology program

THL 422: Field Practicum II

Class Program
Credits 1.5
This course is the writing of a project report based on the field experience of THL 421. The final product is a Senior Report, in which the student reflects with the field mentor and advising faculty upon the intersection of course work and theory with fieldwork and practical experience. It concludes with a public presentation of the report.

THL 431: Christology /Life and Work of Christ

Class Program
Credits 3
This course is a study of the life and work of Jesus attends to the significance of the person and work of Jesus in the Gospels and in Pauline letters, as well as the historical application of this meaning within the Christian community. Offered as needed.

THL 433: The Reformation

Class Program
Credits 3
This course is a study of the Reformation and Post-Reformation period with special emphasis on the lives and teachings of Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, and others and the historical and social impact of their work. Fall alternate years.

THL 435: Black Theology of Liberation

Class Program
Credits 3
This course is a study of the significance of the Church in Black Culture, its historical perspective and present role in the community. It includes the contributions of outstanding black theologians to religious thinking and the social and cultural impact of their work.

THL 438: Contemporary Theology

Class Program
Credits 3

This course is a survey of theological developments since 1750 and an analysis of individual theological statements responding to such issues as existentialism, anthropology, secularism, liberation, feminism, ethnicity, indigenization, foundationalism, post-foundationalism, and other contemporary systems of thought that challenge basic Christian categories of meaning. 

THL 439: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Development

Class Program
Credits 3
This course is a study of pastoral care theory and strategy in tandem with spiritual development theory. It addresses topics from the interplay between religion, sociology, psychology, and personality theories from the perspective of pastoral theology.