Certificate in Theology -
Theology Major, Bachelor of Arts
THL 230: Introductory Theologies
Class Program
THL 231: Foundations of Christian Education
Class Program
THL 233: Theologies of Liberation
Class Program
THL 237: History of Christianity
Class Program
THL 239: Dynamics Faith Development
Class Program
THL 330: Biblical Theologies
Class Program
THL 331: Homiletics
Class Program
THL 336: Systematic Theology
Class Program
This course is a study of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian Church, the historical and theological forces that influenced their formation, and their impact on communal identity. Offered as needed.
THL 339: The Church and Human Rights
Class Program
THL 421: Field Practicum I
Class Program
THL 422: Field Practicum II
Class Program
THL 431: Christology /Life and Work of Christ
Class Program
THL 433: The Reformation
Class Program
THL 435: Black Theology of Liberation
Class Program
THL 438: Contemporary Theology
Class Program
This course is a survey of theological developments since 1750 and an analysis of individual theological statements responding to such issues as existentialism, anthropology, secularism, liberation, feminism, ethnicity, indigenization, foundationalism, post-foundationalism, and other contemporary systems of thought that challenge basic Christian categories of meaning.
THL 439: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Development
Class Program