Bachelor of Science

Elementary Education K-6

Departments in the School of Education

All departments of education are housed within the School of Education. Departments and programs include, Stillman Teacher Education Program (STEP), Elementary Education K-6, Collaborative Education K-6, General Science / Biology 6-12, English Language Arts 6-12, Social Science /History 6-12, and Mathematics, 6-12.  The major function of the department is the preparation of students committed to excellence and to become competent teachers. The mandate is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, dispositions, curriculum, technology, methods of teaching, assessing and evaluating, field experiences, and self assessment. This mandate fosters student interests and abilities in educational settings.  The primary focus of the department is to prepare teacher candidates to teach in elementary and/or secondary schools.  This focus is aligned with both  the School of Education's and Stillman College’s mission to provide quality leadership and service to society.


Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon the completion of a major in Elementary Education, students can:

  1. Question and analyze concepts, theories, structures, and models in the teaching fields while acquiring the requisite knowledge, skills and dispositions to help exceptional students learn.

  2. Identify, organize, and integrate knowledge, skills, and resources for scholarly growth as well as planning meaningful learning experiences in inclusive K-6 classrooms.

  3. Translate instructional plans into active and meaningful learning experiences while engaging in reflection to refine and improve his or her practice.

  4. Actively collaborate with the community of educators, students, and other stakeholders to support and enrich the educational process for all students.


Program Outcomes:

1. Apply knowledge and learning at the appropriate progression levels. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of and can apply critical concepts and principles of learner development, learning differences, creating safe and supportive earning environment in order to work effectively with diverse K-6 exceptional students and their families.

2. Apply content knowledge in the development of equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse and exceptional K-6 students and their families.

3. Apply knowledge of standards relating to instructional practices at the appropriate program levels. Candidates can assess, plan for instruction, and utilize a variety of instructional strategies to provide equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse and exceptional K-6 students and their families. Candidate model and apply national and /or state approved technology standards to engage and improve learning for all students.

4. Apply knowledge of professional responsibility at the appropriate progression levels. Candidates engage in professional learning, act ethically, take responsibility for student learning, and collaborate with others, to work effectively with diverse and exceptional K-6 students and their families.

Included below is a sample semester-by-semester plan for a major in Collaborative Education K-6.

The Stillman Teacher Education Program (STEP), administered through the School of Education, offers preparation for candidates who wish to become teachers at the elementary, collaborative education, physical education, secondary, and other P-12 areas. The unit offers teacher preparation at the initial program level, Class B.  Degrees awarded are the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science.  Ten teacher education certification programs are offered in the School of Education:

Areas of Grades K-6

Elementary Education (Grades K-6)

Collaborative Teacher (Grades K-6)

Areas of Secondary Grades 6-12

Biology/General Science (Grades 6-12)

English/Language Arts (Grades 6-12)

History/Social Science (Grades 6-12)

Mathematics (Grades 6-12)

Areas of Grades P-12

Physical Education (Grades P-12)

Instrumental Music (Grades P-12)

Visual Arts Education (Grades P-12)

Vocal/Choral Music (Grades P-12)

STEP emphasizes practical hands-on experience in P-12 classrooms as well as educational theory and methods classes on campus. Field experiences are a required component of the designated classes and culminate with a full semester of internship in the candidate's content specific discipline. Students and candidates must be fingerprinted prior to beginning any field placement.  Students should collaborate with the Director of field Experiences to ensure that the background check process is completed and the student is suitable for placement. Failure to complete all field requirements as scheduled will result in a failing grade for the course(s), including internship.  Students who are not successful in completing any component of the program – classes, field experiences, or behavioral expectations – may be dismissed from the program.


STEP is widely recognized for the success of its teacher education program, which is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)/Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).  Along with NCATE/CAEP, the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) reviews and approves each program area. Stillman College complies with requirements and rules issued by the Alabama State Department of Education for teacher certification. Published admission and curriculum requirements are modified when necessary to reflect changes in state requirements and to maintain its superior rating for its teacher education programs.  The College guarantees that anyone who successfully completes the rigorous STEP will meet the requirements for certification and employment, and when appropriate, graduate school. In addition, Stillman College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) to award the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science degrees.

STEP begins with selective recruitment, gives careful attention to each phase of the preparation program, and assists in the proper placement and adjustment of teachers and other educational personnel. Follow-up studies of graduates are made in an effort to assist them, to gain knowledge of their effectiveness on the job, and to secure data vital to future planning and development. All programs for the preparation of teachers are built on a liberal arts foundation. Those preparing for teaching positions in the secondary schools pursue a composite teaching specialization in the School of Education and a content area in the College of Arts and Sciences. Those preparing to teach in elementary school concentrate on subject matter relevant to the elementary school curriculum while completing general requirements in the liberal arts. Those preparing to teach Collaborative Education and for a teaching specialization which extends from nursery through twelfth grade pursue a broad program appropriate to elementary and secondary schools. All groups complete their undergraduate programs with highly effective professional preparation.

HYBRID Program Delivery

The Stillman Teacher Education Program (STEP) including Elementary Education, Collaborative Education, and the Childhood Education and Instructional Development programs are also offered in a Hybrid format with many of the General Education Core, the subject matter content, and some of the Professional courses available in fully online instructional modes. Students interested in the Hybrid delivery option will still need to complete the Methods and Field courses in traditional classroom modes. Students interested in the Hybrid option should contact the Dean of the School of Education to discuss how to enroll.

Stillman Teacher Education Program (STEP) Requirements

Students must be formally admitted to STEP. Applications are available through the Office of the Director of Teacher Education. Criteria for admission include:

  • Successful completion of at least 60 credit hours, including at least 48 hours in General Education.
  • Minimum institutional GPA of 2.50 in teaching-field courses, and 2.50 in all professional studies courses
  •  Minimum grade of C in all general-studies courses.
  • Passing score on admissions interview, oral communication, skills and knowledge, and abilities based on previous coursework are the attributes assessed in the interview. Students have a maximum of three attempts to pass the interview. Guidelines for interviews are in the Teacher Education Program Handbook, STEP Governance Policies, STEP Pre-Entry Brief, and available in the Office of Teacher Education.
  • Documentation of clear fingerprint and criminal background check conducted through the Alabama State Department of Education
  • The Teacher Education Program Handbook, published by the Office of Teacher Education, describes more specifically the process.

Minimum Professional Studies Requirements

Because professional studies requirements vary from program to program, the student is referred to the appropriate department. However, a candidate may not enroll in more than five professional studies courses before the candidate has met all criteria for unconditional admission to a teacher education program. The candidate can repeat any of the five courses in which he or she received a grade of “C” or below. A student who changes from non-teacher certification to a teacher certification program must comply with this requirement. A student who violates this requirement is in jeopardy of losing academic credit.

Application for Admission to STEP

During or after students have completed general studies courses and pre-approved professional studies courses, each prospective candidate must complete an application for admission to the Teacher Education Program (STEP). Teacher candidates must exhibit and maintain at least a 2.50 GPA in general studies, professional studies, and the teaching field.  

Once prospective candidates have completed the required coursework and other program requirements they are eligible to make application to STEP.  When submitting the application, prospective candidates should note that STEP evaluates several items as their academic progress indicators including, grade point average; recommendation forms from previous instructors, autobiographical statement and a philosophy of teaching. These items are evaluated to determine the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and disposition. An interview with the Teacher Education Screening and Admission Committee is also a part of the process.  

Upon admittance to STEP, students transition from a prospective candidate, to candidate status.  Once admitted to STEP, additional assessments are required to ensure that program and student outcomes are successfully met throughout the program. Other requirements include:

  • Completion of the Disposition Survey, aligned with the Alabama Educator Code of Ethics  as well as institutional policies. 
  • Proof of Clear (ALSDE) background check 
  • Membership in Student Alabama Education Association (SAEA) and Professional Liability Insurance offered through SAEA
  • Recommendation of advisor and department chair.
  • A minimum overall grade-point average of 2.50 on all work attempted at Stillman College and a minimum program grade-point average of 2.50. (including transfer work).
  • A minimum grade point average of 2.50  in professional studies (including transfer work), no grade below "C" is acceptable.
  • A minimum grade-point average of 2.50 in area(s) of teaching specialization(s) (including transfer work).
  • Pass field experiences and internship with a B or better. A grade of C will involve remediation.
  • Pass the Educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) during internship, which is required for graduation and certification.


 Praxis II is a product of the Educational Testing Service (ETS). It focuses on testing content knowledge in subject areas, such as elementary, social science, mathematics, English, and science.  Passing scores are established by the Alabama State Department of Education for each certification area. All scores and application must be officially submitted to the Director of Field Experiences for consideration. Teacher candidates are required to pass all Praxis II Examinations prior to internship. Additionally, candidates complete an application for internship. The process evaluates the candidates’ successes since their admittance to STEP and prior to placement for internship. Teacher candidates are required to maintain a 2.50 GPA  or better in general studies, professional studies, and the teaching field. The unit and its school partners design, implement, and evaluate field experiences and clinical practice so that teacher candidates and other school personnel develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn.  Teacher Candidates also complete a portfolio during the internship. Internship is the capstone of each of our education programs, lasting one full semester (excluding the summer terms). Candidates are not permitted to take any other coursework during internship.

Warrant Statement

Consistent with the policies of the Alabama State Department of Education, School of Education at the Stillman College warranties its graduates (State Approved Program Competencies) under the following conditions: Warranties will be provided to Stillman graduates who receive their initial professional certification through the College and are employed by a public-school district in Alabama in their area of specialization. The School of Education shall provide assistance at no cost to such individuals who were recommended for certification by the unit and are deemed to be unsatisfactory based on performance evaluations established/approved by the Alabama State Board of Education and recommended by the Local Education Agency within two years after program completion.


To remain in the teacher education program, each student shall make satisfactory progress as determined by continuous evaluation. A student shall be removed from candidacy when any of the minimum required program GPA's drop below 2.50, or the transcript GPA drops below 2.50. Violations of the Alabama Educators Code of Ethics are grounds for dismissal from the program or delay in advancing through the program. Failure to receive or maintain a clear background check is grounds for dismissal from the program.

Advising is essential for successful completion of STEP. Variation from the planned program of study created with an advisor could result in failure to be recommended for certification. Regular consultation with an adviser is required so that students can be apprised of program revisions that result from mandated changes in state certification requirements. Study in STEP is limited to four years. Requests for extensions of this time limit must be approved by the Dean of Education. An overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 in general studies, professional studies, and the teaching field is required. The school, in cooperation with area school systems, has developed a comprehensive program of field experiences in a diverse school settings. These experiences require extensive involvement in schools outside of class. Transportation is the responsibility of the students.

Available Program Checklists

Candidates are required to maintain personal advising folders, containing a program of study checklist, transcript, and advisor’s comments. An academic audit is required each semester as teacher candidates make appointments with their advisors. The program checklist can be obtained from the advisor.  Ultimately, students are responsible for their own academic success.

Acceptance is contingent upon the recommendation of the Teacher Education Admissions and Screening Committee, which meets twice yearly. Applicants will be notified in writing of their acceptance or rejection. Transfer students follow the same admission policies. Education courses may not be transferred into STEP without permission from the State. Courses and requirements are subject to change based on Alabama State Department of Education Guidelines.

Semester Plan

Included below is a sample semester-by-semester plan for a major in Elementary Education.






Professional Studies

Students can take no more than the five professional studies courses listed below prior to being admitted to the Stillman Teacher Education Program (STEP).

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Secondary Education Courses

General Studies Courses (as indicated on the program checklist)

Professional Studies Courses (as indicated on the program checklist) 

Content Specific-Teaching Field Courses (as listed in the content teaching field courses in arts and sciences)

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Teacher Candidate Internship

The Student Teacher Internship represent the capstone or culminating experience in the Stillman Teacher Education Program (STEP) in preparation of ethical and professional prospective teachers. Our teacher candidates are in Transition Point 4 (Exit Clinical Experiences). The  teacher candidates graduate as knowledgeable and reflective practitioners. The course provides supervised internship in diverse public and private schools. Internship is one full semester.

Item #
Sub-Total Credits


Suggestions for possible electives in some education majors include, but are not limited to: 

Item #
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits

Freshman takes General Studies Courses. Transition Point 1 (Pre-entry)

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

General Studies Courses continuation and transition point 1.

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Transition Point II  and Transition III

Admission to STEP and beginning of  Field Experience

Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA or better (C average) in coursework.


Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Transition Point III (Admission to Clinical Experiences)

Candidates begin to apply for Internship and are required to maintain a GPA of 2.5 in coursework.



Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Transition Point IV  (Exit Clinical Experiences ) and Transition Point V (Program Completion)

Candidates must meet all program requirements and have a GPA of 2.5 or better in all coursework.

Item #
Sub-Total Credits