Bachelor of Science

Collaborative Education Major


Collaborative Education  K-6

 Collaborative Education K-6, a special education program, is designed to prepare pre-service teachers with the knowledge and skills  necessary to meet the of exceptional students as identified under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Students take courses that introduce them to a variety of exceptionalities and  awareness to critical issues relevant to the delivery of services to exceptional children. Methods courses in this area of study will focus on developing assessment, instructional strategies, and behavioral management strategies tailored to the unique needs of the exceptional child. Upon completion of this program, students are eligible to apply for certification in Collaborative Education K-6. Each of the courses include field experiences in an inclusive and diverse classrooms.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of a major in Collaborative Education, students can:

  1. Question and analyze concepts, theories, structures, and models in the teaching fields while acquiring the requisite knowledge, skills and dispositions to help exceptional students learn. 
  2. Identify, organize, and integrate knowledge, skills, and resources for scholarly growth as well as planning meaningful learning experiences in inclusive K-6 classrooms.
  3. Translate instructional plans into active and meaningful learning experiences while engaging in reflection to refine and improve his or her practice.
  4. Actively collaborate with the community of educators, students, and other stakeholders to support and enrich the educational process for all students.

Program Outcomes

As a result of successful completion of the Collaborative Education Program, candidates can:

1.  Apply knowledge and learning at the appropriate progression levels. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of and can apply critical concepts and principles of learner development, learning differences, creating safe and supportive earning environment in order to work effectively with diverse K-6 exceptional students and their families.

2. Apply content knowledge in the development of equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse and exceptional K-6 students and their families.

3. Apply knowledge of standards relating to instructional practices at the appropriate program levels. Candidates can assess, plan for instruction, and utilize a variety of instructional strategies to provide equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse and exceptional K-6 students and their families. Candidate model and apply national and /or state approved technology standards to engage and improve learning for all students.

4. Apply knowledge of professional responsibility at the appropriate progression levels. Candidates engage in professional learning, act ethically, take responsibility for student learning, and collaborate with others, to work effectively with diverse and exceptional K-6 students and their families.

Semester Plan

Included below is a sample semester-by-semester plan for a major in Collaborative Education K-6.

Programs: Collaborative Education

Type: Bachelor of Science




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